الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2011

Thursday Review: November/December 2011 Classic Angling

Thursday Review: November/December 2011 Classic Angling

One of my favorite magazines arrived in the mail today--Britain's Classic Angling. It is an excellent issue once again. The most interesting article to me was the cover story, which dealt with the esoteric subject of fishing-related fans. Yes, fans--as in to fan yourself. They are very beautiful and I am sure that this is the first time the subject matter has been broached to a large audience. Kudos to Keith Elliot for running with such a great pictorial story.

Tons of other articles of interest, as always, including great auction reports and columns from noted writers like Judith Head, John Bailey, and Neil Freeman. There's also a great article on Canada's Islander Reels. All in all it's a great issue.

Another great issue of a magazine really hitting its stride. The magazine is capably edited by Keith Elliott, and is available through subscription by Clicking Here.

-- Dr. Todd

Source: http://fishinghistory.blogspot.com/2011/12/thursday-review-novemberdecember-2011.html

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