السبت، 25 فبراير 2012

These Old Guys Are Good

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ArmchairGolfBlog/~3/EHqZKD35nd0/these-old-guys-are-good.html

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52 Trade Houses Part 45: Johnson Smith & Co.

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Over the course of the next year, we'll be detailing the history of 52 companies that sold branded fishing tackle. 52 trade houses in 52 weeks -- some obscure, some famous, and all available exclusively here on the Fishing for History Blog! If you have any items from the week's entry you'd like to share with us, please send it my way and I'll make sure it makes it on the blog.

For a discussion of what exactly trade tackle is, Click Here. Enjoy the 52 for 52!

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Trade House Tackle, Part 46:

Johnson Smith & Co.

Sometimes you run across a piece of tackle that causes you to re-evaluate what you think you know about fishing tackle trade houses.

As some of you may know, I've been helping out on Field & Stream's fishing blog run by John Merwin and Joe Cermele with their Vintage Tackle Contest. We just celebrated out first year last week! It's been a ton of fun and a few of the entries have been surprising and taught me some new things about the tackle field.

What hasn't happened until this week was a new trade house arriving via the entries in the contest. This week's entry, in fact, caused a bit of a ripple in our understanding of trade houses and the tackle they sold.

As you can see, it is a Greer Patent Lever Hook -- a nifty auto striking hook covered in both Mierzwa and Blauser's fine book as well as Jeff Kieny's Patented Hooks, Harnesses & Bait-Holders. The Greer has always been one of my favorite hooks, but this particular hook came with the onion skin paper noting it was sold by Johnson Smith & Co. of 6615 E. Jefferson Ave, Detroit, Mich.

Who was Johnson Smith & Co.? It was a wildly popular mail order house founded in 1914 in Detroit, Michigan and that gained legendary status as a purveyor of novelty goods ranging from ventriloquism goods to magic supplies.

A British-born merchant, Alfred Johnson Smith actually founded his company in Sydney, Australia in 1906 before moving to America in 1914. By 1923, the company's catalog grew to 576 pages -- meaning it was one of the largest of its kind in the world.

What has not been known until now is that they sold fishing tackle. Well, we can conclusively note that this massive company (based out Chicago, Racine and Detroit) sold the Greer Patent Lever Hook. This hook dates to the 1910s or 1920s, so tackle was a part of their stock from the earliest days.

A ca. 1930 Johnson Smith & Co. catalog featuring the Greer Hook (Courtesy Jim Garrett and Skip Brooks).

But what else did they sell? Did they hawk tackle marked "Johnson Smith" or "Johnson" or "JS&Co.?" I own several reels marked "The Johnson Casting Reel" I long felt were products of J.S. Johnson & Co. of Baltimore--a sporting goods trade house known to have sold a lot of fishing tackle. But are these reels actually Johnson Smith products?

We know that Johnson Smith sold guns (see the catalog scan below from 1938). But how much, and what kind of tackle, did they sell? The 1938 catalog, which I've looked through, has no tackle in it.

There are absolutely legions of Johnson Smith & Co. fans out there and thousands of web pages dedicated to their crazy stuff. But this, I believe, is the first mention of their fishing tackle.

It's funny how a company this big and popular--and still in business today--can have escaped our attention for so many years?but now we proudly add the name Johnson Smith & Co. to the long list of fishing tackle trade houses.

How much tackle they trafficked in--and what kinds--still remains to be seen.

-- Dr. Todd

Source: http://fishinghistory.blogspot.com/2012/02/52-trade-houses-part-45-johnson-smith.html

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الجمعة، 24 فبراير 2012

Brrr...we're glad that's over!

Our last post mentioned something about warm weather and sunshine...sunshine, yes; warm weather, not so much. This past month would not have been a good time to advance that theory about global warming, at least around here. Sadly, the unusually cold weather took a toll on some shallow-water fish, including bait, that could not survive the drop in water temperature, and within Haulover Park it was reported that a few of the many pelicans that spend the winter here did not make it. Enduring the cold with wet feathers and thin-skinned webbed feet might have been too much for some. The drop in temperature also created interesting effects on the ocean where we saw sea fog, looking like plumes of smoke drifting on top and across the waves where the warm water meets the cold air.

And this has nothing to do with fishing or Haulover, but there were some incredible sunsets.

The weather didn't slow us down; we put on more layers and went fishing like always. Some days turned out to be very pleasant and on other days we were blessed with dedicated anglers...it helped that they were visiting from parts of Canada and New England where they know a thing or two about how to enjoy winter. One group of charter guests thought that what to us was cold and miserable weather was like a beautiful summer day in their home of Sweden, except that in Sweden it would be raining! All in all, we really wish it had been warmer for those who were trying to escape the cold. Fortunately, fishing has been quite good, with kingfish, blackfin tuna, bonito, wahoo, blacktip sharks, barracuda and sailfish all biting.

Also, for those who wonder what our express boat is all about, one of the nice things that this design has to offer is an adjustable Strataglass? vinyl curtain enclosure wrapping around our bench seating and helm area that provides protection from wind, rain, sea spray and cold air. Charter guests can be comfortable and stay out of the weather until there?s a bite...and then they?re just steps away from all the action in the cockpit. On a nice day, which really is most days, we roll up the curtains and everyone enjoys the beautiful ocean breeze. Give us a call if you?d like to spend some time fishing while you?re here for any of the upcoming events taking place in South Florida, such as the Pro Bowl, Super Bowl, Miami International Boat Show or the Coconut Grove Arts Festival.

Source: http://www.deepseafishingmiami.outcastcharterfishing.com/2010/01/brrrwere-glad-thats-over.html

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June 12, 2010 - National Marina Day and Bill Bird Dockmaster Building Dedication at Haulover Park, Miami Beach

Come visit Bill Bird Marina at Haulover Park on Saturday, June 12, 2010, from 10 AM to 4 PM, and enjoy a fun day in the park with special events to commemorate and celebrate the Bill Bird Dockmaster Building Dedication and the selection of Bill Bird Marina as the 2010 National Marina Day Marina of the Year. There will be food, drinks, entertainment, kite flying, balloon animals, fishing demos, Chinese dragon boats and dancers, nautical vendors...and a dunk tank!

We consider ourselves lucky to have our ?office? in such a beautiful setting and we encourage everyone to check out all that the marina and the park has to offer. If you can?t make it by for this special event, visit the park any day of the week, sunrise to sunset. The park straddles both sides of A1A (Collins Avenue), from the Intracoastal Waterway to the Atlantic Ocean and is maintained by Miami-Dade Park and Recreation. On the ocean side you?ll find a beautiful wide beach where you can sunbathe, swim and surf, with a portion of the beach at the north end designated as clothing optional. Adjacent to the beach there are barbecue and picnic areas, as well as covered pavilions for rent. Looking for a new place to get some outdoor exercise? Parallel to the beach is a paved walkway (approximately 1.4 miles, one way) that is great for walking/running, rollerblading or bike riding. For your safety and convenience there are lifeguard stands and shower/restroom facilities all along the beach. On the Intracoastal side there is a public boat ramp; open rack dry storage for boats and personal watercraft; a full service restaurant, Cafe Azul; two marine centers, Haulover Marine Center and Haulover Point, both with fuel, bait, ice, snacks and drinks; a nine-hole golf course; tennis courts; a new public marina with wet slips, power and water; more barbecue and picnic areas; kites for sale and a kite flying field; drift fishing boats and, last but not least, the charter fishing fleet. And if you want to do absolutely nothing there are plenty of benches where you can relax and enjoy watching the boats and the birds and the ever-changing scenery. Maybe that's not exactly doing nothing...

National Marina Day Marina of the Year 2010:
Bill Bird Marina:
Haulover Beach Park and Haulover Park Tennis Center: http://www.miamidade.gov/parks/parks/haulover_park.asp
Haulover Nine-Hole Golf Course: http://www.miamidade.gov/parks/parks/haulover_golf_course.asp
Haulover Marine Center and Haulover Point:
Cafe Azul at Haulover Marine Center:
Skyward Kites:

Source: http://www.deepseafishingmiami.outcastcharterfishing.com/2010/06/june-12-2010-national-marina-day-and.html

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الخميس، 23 فبراير 2012

Clippers vs. Denver - Open Thread

Source: http://www.clipsnation.com/2012/2/22/2816084/clippers-vs-denver-open-thread

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Are you seeing spots?

Spanish Mackerel:

Golden Tilefish:

Today was a beautiful day to be out on the ocean and our anglers trolled and also did some bottom fishing. This is the time of year when mackerel are abundant so we usually aim to catch a few while trolling inside the reef and along the beach. We also tried bottom fishing and had success, catching some really nice golden tilefish. Our charter guests took home plenty of fillets and they will likely become experts on preparing tilefish fried, broiled, grilled, in tacos, in ceviche, and maybe even tilefish sorbet!

Source: http://www.deepseafishingmiami.outcastcharterfishing.com/2010/11/are-you-seeing-spots.html

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